January 23, 2023 Linh Gray

6 Facts About Real Estate Photography

6 Facts About Real Estate Photography

How Professional Real Estate Photography Boosts Agent Success

For the majority of real estate agents, the photos of the listings are simply images. They form a connection between the property and buyers when they come to view the house in person. They are adept at making the sale in that situation. However, this method may be resulting in money left uncollected, and purchasers may be missing the chance to buy the house because they didn’t spot it on the internet. Read this article to learn these 6 facts about real estate photography.

1. On Average 32% Faster Home Sale

Wouldn’t it be great if you could limit the number of showings you hold, take fewer customer calls, and still show off your client’s property quickly? It has been confirmed that using a professional photographer to take pictures of the property for sale is a great advantage.

A study conducted by VHT Studios determined that when agents use professional real estate photography for their listings, the homes sell 32% faster than the rest. This means you have the potential to reduce your workload by a considerable amount.

2. Noticeably Higher Property Sale Price

Although getting the highest price for a home may not be your main priority, it never hurts. An extra $10,000 could only give you $150 in profits before taxes, considering a 3% commission for the seller and a 50% split with the broker. Still, consider this: according to a study conducted by RedFin, homes in the range of $200,000 to $800,000 with professional listing photos sold for $934 to $18,819 more than other properties. On top of that, the number can be as high as $118,000 more when it comes to homes that are worth over a million! While sale price may not be the most important part of the deal, it will certainly please your clients and it won’t take any extra effort from you.

3. Higher Perceived Home Value

In today’s digital age, individuals are likely to form their opinion about a property in the initial 20 seconds of viewing the images. Research has indicated that homes with professional listing photos receive 118% more views and generate the initial connection with the residence. It is not uncommon for buyers to make offers merely based on the photos. It is important to remember that shoppers are consistently checking the photos online during the buying process, so it is crucial that they look flawless.

4. Better Agent Brand Image

It is essential to regard your real estate enterprise as a stand-alone sales and marketing organization. The biggest benefit to you of consistently engaging a professional photographer is the improved brand image. Rarely will million dollar residences be listed with agents whose only background is in properties valued at $100,000. Professional photographs can speak volumes about the house and yourself.

5. Get More Real Estate Listings

If you don’t care for calling leads, you could be done with it for good.

House sellers will often research their agents’ other deals before deciding to go ahead and work with them. Just around half of real estate agents are taking advantage of professional photography services. Which means when clients are comparing agents, you will have a substantial benefit.

6. Earn 2x Agents With Amateur Real Estate Images

We’d all be lying if we said we weren’t in it for the money. We all have bills to pay and expenses to cover.

Inman published an article with a study that stated with certainty that agents who always hire a professional photographer earn twice as much commission as those who don’t. For such a small investment, that’s a quite sizable return.

At the end of the day, if you really want to succeed in real estate, you’ll need a good photographer on your team.


Check out Havah’s services here.


Find out how you can incorporate Havah Edits in your production process.


We specialize in helping you create stunning real estate and architectural imagery. Our clients enjoy professionally edited packages with a short delivery time of 12 hours thanks to our time zone difference.


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