July 4, 2022 danielphamp

What’s The Difference Between JPEG, TIFF, GIF, RAW, and PNG?

What's The Difference Between JPEG, TIFF, GIF, RAW, and PNG?

The Difference Between JPEG TIFF GIF RAW and PNG

You may not be aware of the different formats out there, and what they are used for. In this article, you will learn about the differences between JPEG, TIFF, GIF, RAW, and PNG, and also understand when each format is better suited to illustrate your message.

JPEG, TIFF, GIF, and PNG are some of the most common image formats used on the web today. Each format has its own strengths and weaknesses, and so knowing the differences between these image formats is important.




JPEG is short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, but it is most often referred to as a “lossy” format. Lossy means that some of the information from the original source is gone, so the file becomes smaller.

JPEG is often used for photographs, but it can also be used to create other types of files where image quality isn’t as important as file size.

With JPEG, image quality depends on image size and compression settings. You can adjust the image size to increase or decrease the image quality. The smaller the image, the lower the image quality will be.



TIFF is short for “Technological Interpretation of Images,” and it is a “lossless” format. Lossless means that no information is lost, so the file becomes larger.

TIFF is often used for images with high image quality, such as line drawings, photographs, and flat graphics.



GIF stands for “Graphics Interchange Format,” and it is often used for small, simple images.

A GIF file is a series of images stored in a single file. The first image is used to create the second image, which becomes the third image, and so on.

This process is called “looping” and can make GIF files small enough to be transferred over the internet.

GIF images work well for images that have a limited amount of color, like line drawings or monochrome photographs.



PNG stands for “Portable Network Graphics,” and it’s a “lossless” image format that is often used for large images.

A PNG file is a single image file that is used for both the visible and the background images of a web page.



RAW is short for “unprocessed” and it is a “raw image” format that is often used for photography.

Raw images are just as the name implies: unprocessed, unaltered, and straight from the camera.

Like TIFF and JPEG, RAW format is a type of lossy compression. The photos from your camera are compressed to reduce the file size while retaining all the information from the photo.

When using our photo editing services, we alway recommend you send us RAW images.




What's The Difference Between JPEG, TIFF, GIF, RAW, and PNG?


As you can see, there are many different image formats, and knowing their strengths and weaknesses can help you with your image selection. We hope this article helps you understand the differences between JPEG, TIFF, GIF, RAW, and PNG.

When choosing an image format, keep in mind the intended use of the file and the type of audience you are trying to reach. For example, GIF images are often used for simple, brief images and are not recommended for images that would require a lot of focus or detail. 

On the other hand, JPEG images are often used for photos or graphics that have a less important use such as on a brochure, brochure cover, or business card.

If you want to illustrate ideas, information, or concepts, choose an image format that supports your message and the desired audience. For real estate the ideal file size is… look here



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