August 27, 2024 Linh Gray

22 Creative Real Estate Marketing Strategies

22 Creative Real Estate Marketing Strategies

In this article, you will learn 22 creative real estate marketing strategies.

“To be successful in real estate, you must always and consistently put your clients’ best interests first. When you do, your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations.” -Anthony Hitt

Looking to boost your leads and close more deals? We have provided you with this list of marketing strategies that you can employ online and off to improve your real estate business in Nashville, Franklin, Columbia, or any other state. Are you a tech lead, salesperson, admin, office manager, or broker looking for ideas?

In this real estate agent guide, you will learn how to use marketing strategies that are effective to promote your real estate business, including the following:

  • Branding
  • Getting more leads
  • Website optimization
  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • listing promotion
  • blogging and many more

Real Estate Marketing Strategies

“Real estate sales was perfect training for the experience to go into public life because you learn to accept rejection, learn to meet new people, learn to work with people, and find common ground. That’s the way you sell houses … that’s also the way you win over constituency.” -Johnny Isakson

1. Ensure your real estate website is responsive.

If you want to have an effective online presence that actually works and works well in any platform, either on desktop or mobile, your website should be easy to view and navigate. You have to check whether your website can be viewed easily on a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

2. Get more email subscribers.

Make sure you are offering valuable and helpful content and resources to your subscribers. For example, give them free market reports, downloadable ebooks, and free gifts that they can get after subscribing to your email.

3. Keep your contact updated.

So you don’t want to lose your contacts without giving them updates about you. What you can do is to send them at least one newsletter do the email addresses you collected. You can feature a blog post, let them know about the latest open houses, new homes around the area, local events, industry events, and so on. For creating and sending, newsletters you can use Mailchimp and constant contact to make attractive marketing emails.

4. Take time to understand drip email marketing.

Doing drip email marketing can be easy to use and inexpensive; overdoing it might make you lose your email subscribers. Suppose you don’t want that to happen. In that case, you have to understand it thoroughly and study your strategies effectively and timely to nurture your leads, and you can continually increase visits to your websites.

If you’re not sure what drip marketing means, it’s a marketing strategy where you send a certain number of emails to your email subscribers or audience automatically. It is based on the actions they take or based on their status change. Businesses use drip marketing to keep their relationship with their audience and a targeted and personalized way while considering a specific call-to-action or dates.

5. Create or update your Google My Business profile.

If you don’t have a Google My Business profile yet, click here to create your account. Make sure you use your business email. If you already have one, make sure it is updated. Add your office hours, Logo if you have one, add services, business description, and photos such as steam photos and office photos. It’s also better if you can ask for reviews from your past clients.

6. Ensure that your location is correctly pinned on your Google maps.

Location is everything. It is essential to local SEO, so make sure your location is updated and is correct. Here is the link to google maps.

7. Don’t forget the Yahoo! Bing Network. 

Don’t forget to create or update your Bing Places listing, too.

8. Find time to explore SEO for real estate.

If you are using SEO regularly and practicing the latest SEO rules and principles, you can enjoy long-term benefits such as a higher ranking on google search results.

9. Increase your social media presence on your social media handles. 

Creating engaging, valuable, and fun content makes it more likely that you’ll get more followers. What’s more, the conversations can start from commenting can lead up to potential prospects and leads.

10. Get reviews online.

One way to get an excellent online reputation is by having reviews online. So what you can do is set up a company profile on websites like Zillow, Trulia, and BBB and ask for reviews from your happy clients in the past and present.

11. Start your channel on Youtube.

Youtube is an excellent platform to share your real estate and property videos. Plus, almost everyone is using this most famous video-sharing platform available on the planet right now. So if you still don’t have your youtube channel, start creating right now. Also, Google owns Youtube so use this to increase your visibility in search engines.

12. Do guest blogs.

Use your expertise by sharing valuable and informative articles on other high-ranking or reputable websites or ones with high traffic so that you earn a backlink to your website. Don’t forget to link your website to the articles you’ve written. You can also write a guest blog on one of your colleague’s websites.

13. Do authority marketing by becoming the expert local real estate in your area.

Become a thought leader and authority in your niche by actively posting blogs to your website. Wherever you are, may it be in Nashville, Columbia, or Franklin, you can post about what’s happening in your area, local information, events in your area, the latest housing developments, real estate trends, real estate news, and so on. This is content marketing. An active blog will bring you the fruits of your labor because niche blogging is an effective way to provide unique and valuable information to your visitors and search engines. Start with one to two blogs per week if you’re still new to blogging.

14. Repurpose content.

A great way to produce more content is by repurposing your content. Here, you actually are becoming creative as your blogs can be turned into videos, images, infographics, pdf files, magazines, ebooks, and so on. In this age of fast-paced lifestyle, technology, social media, and information, people have more time to engage in videos rather than read long articles. Actually, how-to’s, listicles, and Informative profiles have a higher chance of going viral than the usual advertising videos.

15. Make use of your web traffic status and analyze it.

Statistics of your website visitors can now be easily seen and analyze because of google analytics and google search. Use this data to improve your website.

16. Analyze your visitor’s behavior of your website visually.

Do this by installing a heatmap to track how long and how often your readers stay on your site. Doing this can help you check if your site is doing great or not, and if your pages are engaging and effective. You may need to do some changes to your content, layout, and design.

17. Post an official online press release on your website.

Posting official content like press releases will help you get indexed by online news platforms like New York Times, Yahoo News, and many more. Having a press release on your website is an off-page strategy to boost the optimization of your website as it helps provide value indirectly. There’s a chance that your article might be mentioned on the news or other famous websites, and in turn, you can get a link back to your site, which is a way of getting attention about your services.

18. Take advantage of Boost a Post and Facebook Ads. 

With nearly 2 billion users, you don’t want to miss out on that big audience. It’s a well-known fact that almost anyone is on Facebook, so can you imagine how many potential target audience is waiting to be a potential client if you only know how to do it. With boosted posts and Facebook ads, you can set a target audience based on location, interests, demographics, background, job titles, income bracket, and so on.

19. Share monthly market reports on your website. 

This will include credibility in your niche as a local expert. make sure that you are using a nice format for your market reports. Take advantage of visuals and infographics to make them more readable and shareable.

20. Make more LinkedIn connections.

Add LinkedIn connections especially those that are near your area and possible target clients. You can use those filters to make your search easier. Just like Facebook, share posts, add valuable and shareable content, and increase traffic to your website through ads and sponsored posts on LinkedIn.

21. Business cards are still a thing.

Give out your business cards whenever you’re outside and in open houses. You can also leave personalized notes.

22. Make your website friendly to visitors from different countries.

Add a language selector to attract International buyers. Also, add a currency converter feature on your website. WordPress has many plugins that you can try.


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