August 25, 2024 Linh Gray

How to Improve On Home Staging

How to Improve On Home Staging

How to Improve Your Home Staging: Tips and Trends for Real Estate Agents

The 2019 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Staging reveals that 83 percent of buyers’ agents believe staging facilitates buyers’ ability to envision a property as their future homes. In addition, 25 percent of buyers’ agents claim that staging has led to an increase in the dollar value offered on their listings. Given these significant statistics, it’s not surprising that most agents prioritize staging. However, with hectic schedules, it can be challenging to keep up with home staging trends. Devoting an hour or two of your weekend can help you stay updated on the latest staging techniques. Here are a few ways you can stay on top.

Visit home stores

Ever noticed how home stores and departments of large retail stores naturally stage their products into built-out rooms? Once a month, head to the mall and visit as many staged settings as you can, taking notes of color patterns, layouts, and design schemes.

Read up on trends

Spend Saturday morning with a cup of coffee browsing home staging and design blogs. Take notes on any trends you like and implement them into your staging routine.

Take a class

Is there a home design, flower-arranging or feng shui class you can drop into? Browse the internet or newspaper for listings and check out a couple of courses each month.


There’s no better place to practice staging than at home. One weekend a month, pick a room in your house to re-stage. Move the furniture, declutter and add fresh flowers, and step back to examine your work. Bonus: Your home will be sleeker with its freshly staged look.

Don’t let home staging intimidate you! Just a few hours a weekend can amp up your stage game and boost your sales.

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