The Importance of Your Personal Real Estate Brand: Establishing Your Authenticity
Your real estate brand encompasses your unique qualities, values, and strengths that define you as a real estate agent. It’s what sets you apart from others and how people perceive you. Trying to fake it is not recommended, as authenticity is highly valued in the industry. Building trust and securing clients relies on being genuine, while being insincere can drive them away. When it comes to personal branding, the objective is not to create a false image but to establish a brand that accurately represents who you truly are. Here’s how you can achieve that. Read on to uncover the great importance of your personal real estate brand.
Define your greater purpose
What problems do you want to solve? What impact do you want to make in people’s lives? In your community? It gets to the root of why you are in the business—and hopefully, there’s much more to it than making money.
This is often the biggest disconnect between you and clients, who often think all you care about is your commission. Know your greater purpose and relay that message every chance you have. After all, you are making dreams come true.
Describe the value that you offer clients
Are you an expert in a particular type of property? Have you lived in the community your whole life? Are you a sharp negotiator? Can you research better than the best of them? Do you have a calming presence? Again, this is more than just your success rate; these are the unique qualities that you bring to the table and that differentiate you from your competition.
List three perceptions you want clients to form about you
Taking your strengths, personality, and purpose into account, what impression do you want to leave with clients? When they talk about you to others, what do you want them to say? This forms the basis of your brand, and you should reinforce it every time you interact with potential, current, and past clients—whether that interaction is in person, through marketing efforts or on social media.
Decide today what you will do to foster your personal real estate brand
What can you do to ensure that you are leaving the right impression on people? What steps you will take during your next brand-building opportunity, for example, during client meetings or when you share content on social media? Which of your behaviors hurt your personal brand, and how will you change them? In other words, how will show the world more of you?