March 2, 2023 Linh Gray

How Many Photos Should You Take?

How Many Photos Should You Take for Real Estate Marketing?

There is no fixed response to this inquiry. It all depends on the expectations of the customer and the norms of the locality regarding the amount of pictures a real estate photographer should take for a certain property. We can make a rough estimate based on the advertising needs and the amount of time allocated for the shoot and post-editing. Here are some aspects to consider when it comes to marketing needs. Read on to know how many photos you should take for each real estate listings.

How Many Photos Do You Need to Take?

It’s a fairly straightforward task to list a piece of real estate; all one needs is a single image. The important thing to remember is the amount of photographs needed to properly capture the home’s defining characteristics. As a general rule, one photograph is suitable for small areas, two for larger spaces, and three to five for the exterior.

For the outside photos, three should be taken that focus on the structure or building. This is ideal when the image must be a small one on an online site. Additionally, two photos should be taken that include the yard and house itself.

For the interior, take one shot of each main floor, with two pictures of the kitchen, living rooms, and the master bedroom.

Another Important Factor to Consider: Potential Buyers

The results of an action are more important than the action itself, which is why real estate photos should always aim to provide potential buyers with useful information that will encourage them to explore further. Each property is different, so it is up to the photographer’s vision and their client’s input to decide what to capture. To make a listing more appealing, extra photos of features like counters, appliances, outside kitchens, taps, etc. should be taken, helping the listing to stand out among its rivals.

Wait, What If You’ve Taken Too Much?

Making too many photos of a house can be a rookie error in the real estate industry. Many may think that having numerous pictures of the home is advantageous. Potential purchasers can be off-put by a multitude of images since they will be presented in a slideshow or carousel. If there are far too many, it takes an extended period to move from space to space and it can be hard for people to focus on the information they need. To prevent this from happening, it’s sensible to discuss what the client wants prior to the photoshoot. Having a good number of high-quality pictures is more beneficial than having a lot of low-quality ones.

Avoid Duplicates

It may be common sense already but it needs to be mentioned. This is an easy mistake to commit going blind into the business. Taking photos that are similar to each other wastes effort and is unnecessary. Instead, capture the space in its entirety with a wide angle lens.

So, Really, How Many Photos Should You Take?

As we said, there is no exact number for this. For example, for an average 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house, perhaps around 1500 to 2000 square feet, would usually need 25-30 photos. This provides a good balance between quality and quantity. If the property is bigger and has more space, more images will be required. So on and so forth.

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