December 29, 2022 Linh Gray

Professional Photography Is Important to Your Rental Property

Professional Photography Is Important to Your Short-Term Rental Property

Your short-term rental property is an investment, so it makes sense to do everything to ensure your listing looks appealing, in this article we’ll show you how important professional photography can be for your rental property.

Whether you have a listing in Nashville, Columbia, Lynchburg, or Franklin, we’ll make sure you’ll benefit from this article.

We made a list of some reasons why hiring a real estate photographer is an excellent move to boost more sales and bookings for your listing:

1. Increase in earnings up to 20%

Did you know that you can increase your Airbnb sales if your listings have professional photography? According to Airbnb, listings with professional photography receive 40% higher returns than other listings in their area. Also, hosts with professional photos may earn more than hosts who don’t have professional photos in their area.

2. Boost more bookings up to 20%

Airbnb says that photos are one of the top reasons guests choose to book, following location and price. Hence, professional photography is a smart investment if you want more bookings for your listing. Besides, higher-quality photos mean more chances of grabbing the attention of guests.

3. Stand out from other listings

Having professional photos makes your listing highly noticeable. There are likely properties that would be more appealing than your listing photos. Thus, due to increasing competition, it’s crucial to ensure your listing is memorable and exceptional.

Aside from making your listing striking, it takes 8 seconds to grab a potential guest’s attention. Although others say it’s only 3 seconds, that’s merely for your listing’s photo and title. The most important thing is, the first photo in your listing should be three things: professional, different, and eye-catching.

Does this overwhelm you? If so, worry not. Professional photography is the answer to help your listing stand out from the rest.

4. Showcase your home’s best features

Through professional photography, you’ll have listings that highlight the home’s best features, show different angles better, and provide high-quality photos. With brighter backgrounds and spacious surroundings, your listing will have higher chances of grabbing a guest’s attention.

Check out this virtual tour of a short-term rental property photographed by us.

One of the main benefits of hiring a professional photographer is to showcase your home’s best features. Professional photographers know how to find the best angles and capture them correctly. Every detail, such as a vintage lamp, large windows, or even amenities – can be highlighted through close-up photos.

With a professional photographer, you’re in good hands; your listing is set to be unique and interesting.

5. Trigger a guest’s emotions

Did you also know that you can stir a guest’s feelings through professionally-captured photos? When your images connect with your guests, you are one step away from getting them to click and book your property.

Imagine searching for the next destination or place you want to say. Then, you suddenly saw a property near a stunning beach, just steps away. It makes you want to lie down on the sand. And the property has lots of charming details that give some tropical vibes. You can instantly capture a potential guest’s attention through your listing’s well-presented photos.

Check out Havah’s services here 


Find out how you can incorporate Havah Edits in your production process.


We specialize in helping you create stunning real estate and architectural imagery. Our clients enjoy professionally edited packages with a short delivery time of 12 hours thanks to our time zone difference.


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