November 30, 2022 Linh Gray

Making the Best Out of Dusk Photography

dusk real estate photography

There is a saying that goes a little extra effort goes a long way. In the quest for the image that brings a wow factor into the mix, you might find dusk photography. This technique is sure to get people to drop they jaws in awe and simply marvel at the calming skies that is within your photo. These types of images tend to bring out a vibe that is not normally found in most photos listed in real estate websites.

However, there is more effort involved to achieve such stunning images. We may think that real estate photo editing alone suffices in creating high caliber images, but in reality, this type of photography anchors a lot on capturing the right time of the day and exploiting what the skies have to offer. Photographers must realize that the importance of being able to be creative in such facets of real estate photography and real estate photo editing creates a whole new dimension into their skillset.

Dusk Photography

Dusk photography in simpler terms, is taking photos of the sky as the sun sets. Waiting for some 15 to 20 minutes to get the perfect blend of colors in the sky. A similar effect can be achieved at the crack of dawn when the sun starts to rise. Either of these occasions will give you an opportunity to snap away at the gorgeous view.

What is different about the dusk photography technique is that it gives off a calming vibe to the photo. Which can attract people looking for a sense of serenity, and hopefully lead them to make a purchase. These images can then be enhanced further in post-processing to emphasize the best parts such as the way the sun’s rays mix in with the purple velvet sky.

The 4 Things You Should Remember

  1. Find a steady and solid surface for a crisp clear photo

Shooting in a darker environment will require more stability in snapping that shot. This is because light is more intensified under these conditions, making any movement shift that light easily in a blurry or streaky fashion. At this point you may ask, what sources of light might these blurred, or streaks of illumination come from? To get the full effect of a property’s image taken at dusk, you will need to turn the lights on inside the house. Doing so will add an effect of hominess and warmth to the property and further emphasize the features both inside and out.

To achieve this desired stability, a tripod is essential along with a remote trigger. This will ensure that even the shakiest of hands cannot mess the photo up.

  1. Get rid of that auto-white balance and shift to HDR

An auto-white balance setting might be ideal in most cases, but for dusk photography, it will do more harm than good. The way dusk photography is set up, there might be a dominant color that takes over the image. It might come in either yellow, purple, dark blue, or orange. These colors can cast an unsightly tint onto the image that photo editing will have a difficult time correcting.

Using the HDR function instead, or the high dynamic range function, will help you capture a variety of shots under different exposures. The HDR will grab several photos sequentially with the premise of exposing different parts of the frame. For instance, one photo will have a brighter image of the property and a darker image of the environment. While other photos within the range will contain a more visible and environment and a less visible image of the property. These can give you options to work with especially when the real estate photo editing phase kicks in.

  1. Be ready to shine a light (or use a flash) on the property

Here’s the thing, shooting an object, or in this case a property, against any form of light will render the object completely unfathomable. There will simply be no way to see the features of the property if there is no source of light to bounce of its surface and reflect the color it possesses. Real estate photo editing will also have a difficult time salvaging the image as the property might be too dark to even be saved. In cases like these, it is recommended to bring along sources of artificial light.

Even if you believe you will not need them, having them on standby can save you from a lot of re-work. Sources of artificial light can be as simple as the camera’s flash. If it will not suffice, a larger studio light might do the trick. The bottom line is, have a ready source of light. You can never tell if you will ever need it especially in darker photo shoots such as dusk photography.

  1. Take all the photos you can

The window of time you have to take a good image is very small. When the sun completely sets, you may have to wait another 12 hours for another shot. This is why taking multiple shots while the sun is going through the motions of setting will provide countless options. Again, the point of being able to bring in quality captures to real estate photo editing is essential to the overall success. You cannot work with a mediocre photo and expect an over-the-top outcome through post-processing alone.


Timing is everything in dusk photography.

In fact, the time frame and how you take the photo dictates 70% of the quality of the outcome. This means there is heavy reliance on the stillness, creativity, and mindfulness of the photographer. All in all, what we can conclude about dusk photography is its innate ability to produce a unique images. Those that create a whole new set of feelings to its viewers. All it takes is the will, and the basic know how to get the best effects out of this technique.


Find out how you can incorporate Havah Edits in your production process.


We specialize in helping you create stunning real estate and architectural imagery. Our clients enjoy professionally edited packages with a short delivery time of 12 hours thanks to our time zone difference.


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