October 28, 2022 Linh Gray

Using Social Media to Boost Your Real Estate Venture

using social media in real estate

Real estate is one of the most lucrative fields you can work in. Home prices have risen 32.6% in the United States, and home buying power has increased 21%, yet people are still buying homes. This suggests that although housing prices are increasing, people are still looking to purchase property, creating the right environment for real estate agents to sell homes. In this blog, we will show you the ways to use social media to boost your real estate business venture.

Social media marketing has become an important part of any business’s marketing plan, with over 3.6 billion people using social media platforms. Real estate businesses are no different, they need social media to advertise the homes that real estate agents want to sell or lease, as well as other services.

Why Should Your Real Estate Business Use Social Media?

Aside from the fact that social media real estate marketing is becoming more popular with individuals, there are other reasons why you should do so. To begin with, according to the most recent data, 98 percent of Millennials hunt for homes online rather than 89 percent of Boomers. This is because it is easier and more practical to inspect the house online before contacting a realtor or arranging a day to view the house. Competition is another factor. According to studies, 76 percent of female real estate agents and 72 percent of male real estate agents use social media to market and sell homes.

Most real estate agents understood the significance of social media for their organizations. They realized how to work with social media networks and how to post content that was most effective for their brand. You will not only lose any prospective customers you might have if you don’t utilize social media in real estate, but additionally leads will lose interest in your company. Working with social media is much cheaper than other types of advertising. For example, pay-per-click campaigns can operate tremendously if done correctly. Even if you are an expert PPC advertiser, bidding on keywords can get expensive. With social media marketing, you require:

  • A continual flow of content
  • Business accounts on social media platforms
  • A social media automation tool  (While this aspect is not mandatory, it significantly assists you create and distribute content).


5 Tips on How to Use Social Media for Real Estate Business

Now that you know why you need social media marketing, let’s move on and see how your real estate business can use social media to increase profits, customer retention, and customer satisfaction.

1.  Use Multiple Platforms

Now that you understand why social media marketing is important, let’s explore how your real estate business can benefit from it.

For example, we can imagine that our target audience has the following characteristics:

  • Female
  • Age between 35 and 50 years old
  • Single
  • Located in the south of California
  • Average yearly income of $60k+

The most prominent social media platform for women in the United States, according to the most recent reports, is YouTube. While real estate videos on YouTube may be advantageous in the future, you might not have all the resources. Instead, you can concentrate on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, the next most popular social media platforms for real estate marketing. If a certain percentage of your target audience does not use one of the major social media websites (for example, Facebook), they are very likely to use one of the alternatives (Instagram or Pinterest).

2. Focus on Each Platform Separately

It’s not surprising that every real estate social media has distinct requirements; there are also certain techniques that you can implement to make your content stand out. Each post must be optimized to ensure that it stands out. For example, your real estate business is collaborating with Facebook and Instagram.

Because you want to advertise your new home, you post a promotional post on either app. Despite its fundamental theme remaining identical, you will have to alter the post to comply with the demands of each platform.

Facebook values post length at 50 characters and urges you to post between 7 and 11 in the morning or between 9 and 11 in the evening. An image of 1,200 x 628 pixels is required, as well as a link to the website.

For Instagram, you should use around 150 characters to post anytime from early morning to late afternoon with an image of 1080 x 1350 pixels and 10 hashtags.

With regard to Facebook and Instagram posts, these are the optimal conditions. You may use some of these elements appropriately, such as the size of the cover photos on Facebook, the images, and the hashtags, but with others, you have more leeway. You should experiment with different things like the kind of content you post, the length, the posting time, and so on. It’s also important to research real estate cover photo examples from more successful agents.

3. Make Content that Matters

Quality content is crucial in digital marketing, according to every digital marketing agency. The first thing you should consider when creating content is what type of content you’ll distribute. While you may publish just promotional content online, you should combine and contrast it to make it more interesting.

Besides posts that promote your houses, you can also add:

  • Memes
  • Quotes
  • Infographics
  • Curated articles
  • Videos

When you’re choosing what to post, you should think about your brand’s voice. If your brand’s voice is serious and professional, you should avoid memes and funny gifs. In their place, you may post promotional content, quotations, and curated content.

A few formulas that you might want to look into are:

  • PAS (problem-agitate-solution)
  • BAB (before-after-bridge)
  • AIDA (attention-interest-desire-action)

Copywriting formulas can offer you a foundation on which to construct your writing abilities. In addition, you should strive for exceptional post quality. When composing compelling copy, placing emojis in the right spots, and performing hashtag research to find the hashtags that will help people locate your real estate business more easily, you should be mindful.

You want your clients and leads to be enticed by your posts and read what you write. You must comprehend what information is necessary and how to phrase it in order to accomplish this. For example, if you are attempting to sell a home on Facebook, you might write something like this:

If you always dreamt of a house near the beach, but also close enough to the city, then we’ve got just the house for you!

This cozy little beach house comes with:

  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 baths
  • A two-car garage
  • AC, central heating, kitchen appliances, and a back yard with a patio
  • A stunning view of the beach

If you like what you see and you’re ready to visit the house, then contact us and we’ll arrange a tour for you and your family:

4. Ensure Your Visuals Are Exceptional

social media for real estate visuals

In social media real estate marketing, the visual elements are essential and marketers know this. One survey reveals that content creators use visuals in 91-100% of their content.

In real estate social media marketing, visuals are critical and marketers know this. A survey of content creators revealed that visuals were used in 91-100% of their content. Real estate photographs and videos are what draw people in, and visual content is critical in real estate. People won’t be fully convinced of how great home is until they see the photos that prove your statement. Don’t forget that attractive agent photos play an important role in bringing in new clients.

For your real estate business, you can use the following visuals:

  • Pictures of houses
  • Videos of houses
  • Original graphics or illustrations
  • Infographics

Elevate your social media posts with unique graphics and wonderful images to drive engagement. To sell your houses, you must deliver your finest photograph work. You may either employ a professional photographer or seek out real estate photo editing services that enhance your pictures to make them stand out.

These pictures must be fantastic, so you may either hire a professional photographer or seek out real estate photo editing services that can enhance your photos. If your company can only afford one of these options, seek out real estate photography software.

5. Use Automation Tools

You may not spend a lot of time on social media real estate advertising as a real estate agent. You should take prospective buyers on tours, take phone calls, and close deals. This means that you can’t take time away from your schedule to craft perfect social media posts and ensure they’re posted at the right time.

Luckily, you don’t have to, because there are social media automation platforms. Using Instagram marketing tools for fast growth, you may generate content, customize it, and schedule its release time. You may then ensure that content is posted regularly on your social media account.

The importance of posting frequently in social media is consistency is crucial. People follow a lot of pages, so content is constantly flying at them. If you don’t post frequently, your customers will forget that your business exists. In addition, when you do publish, you’re likely to get lost in a pile of material. When you post regularly, it doesn’t matter if your followers don’t see a post, as they will almost certainly see at least one.


Bottom Line

It’s true that managing social media marketing campaigns can be a little overwhelming at first. There are so many platforms to consider, so many regulations to keep in mind, and so much to keep track of that it’s difficult to keep everything straight at once.

Once you get the knack of it and acquire some great tools to assist you, your real estate business will flourish. Your real estate social media pages will gain more traction, and your realtors will receive more phone calls, more tours, and more sales as a result.



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