October 24, 2022 Linh Gray

Why Should Real Estate Agents Use Videos?

real estate video

Why should realtors use videos to promote their properties, the quick answer is that real estate video marketing can help agents distinguish themselves from their competitors, as well as connect with prospective property buyers and sellers. Thus, using videos, they can consequently sell more properties.

It is a challenging but lucrative business, because prospects are limited and housing inventory is low, realtors must work hard to convince prospective buyers and sellers to purchase or sell a home. In light of this, one of the best approaches to attract potential customers and motivate them to purchase is through video marketing. In addition to attracting potential customers, video marketing can also help you stand out from the crowd in your industry. Almost 40 percent of real estate agents reported using video in their marketing, according to the National Associations of Realtors 2018Technology survey. Thirty percent said they don’t use video marketing currently but expect to in the future, and 32 percent said they don’t currently use video marketing but plan to in the future. To achieve success, you must use unique marketing techniques. Fortunately, creating a video marketing strategy for real estate agents is simple! Keep reading to learn how to develop a successful video marketing strategy!

4 Reasons Real Estate Agents Should Use Video Marketing

1. Videos boost your SEO ranking

In 2019, Google switched to mobile-first indexing. Mobile versions of content are now indexed and rated by Google. As a fun fact, Google also favors video content. Google owns YouTube, so this is why they’re particularly fond of video advertising. You should always upload your video marketing materials to YouTube. This is because of Google’s connection to YouTube, as well as many other reasons. It’s a fantastic idea to always upload your video marketing material to YouTube. You can increase your webpage rankings across Google and other search engines by optimizing how the video is uploaded to YouTube or embedded on your site. You can also improve your page rankings by creating video that is enhanced by script, storyline, editing, and rendering. With time, you will see a rise in visitors to your website. Video marketing performs well on mobile devices as well.  Almost 95% of consumers view videos on their mobile devices!

2. Consumers prefer videos

Consumers or clients must be comfortable with and trust the individual with whom they may be doing business. In many businesses, especially those like dentists, attorneys, and realtors, customers or clients must feel comfortable with and trust the person with whom they are working. By putting a face and a personality to a company’s name, video allows you to build critical trust and rapport. Customers prefer to work with people, and video allows them to do so without a face-to-face meeting. According to Hubspot, video content is more popular than any other form of content among consumers. Video is also consumed more quickly than reading. Furthermore, the biggest social media platforms encourage video sharing over text-only posts. You must also understand your target audience.

Furthermore, according to research, millennials continue to be the largest proportion of homebuyers currently. It is important to note that millennials prefer mobile to desktop and video to text. If you are not utilising video marketing in your real estate company, you may be losing out on important opportunities.

3. Videos are more informative

It’s quicker and easier for viewers to get all the information they need from a video than from a property listing description or a photo slideshow. With a single push of a button, they can see the home’s rooms, the property’s layout, and the area. Your viewers can get a feel for your company or business background, see your products, meet your team, and answer questions, among other options. A single video (or a series of videos) can be viewed repeatedly and broadcast 24/7 across nearly all platforms and marketing channels.

4. Videos help generate reliable leads

Videos can be used to generate additional revenue by creating a Call To Action (CTA) that prompts users to take an action (download content in exchange for their contact information, for example). A CTA can also ask users to sign up for a 101 home buyer’s course, or simply to arrange a meeting. You can connect with current and future customers by implementing these CTAs. Videos are a good method of sharing content because they can quickly capture the attention of viewers.

When done correctly, they are highly engaging and simple to digest. You can post videos on Facebook and Instagram to make them accessible to a wider audience. Using video material in email marketing can significantly increase an email’s open rate, even if the word “video” isn’t present in the subject line.

Types of Real Estate Videos You Can Make

An real estate video marketing strategy can include a variety of content ideas. Because real estate is a people business, buyers and sellers must get a feel for your brand and character, it’s critical to include video content in your marketing strategy. In addition to the following ideas, here are some real estate video content ideas:

1. Real Estate Bio Videos

A real estate agent talks about their education, certifications, experience, passion for the real estate industry, and their personal connection to the community in About Us/Agent Profile videos. Users place a lot of trust in their real estate agents. It’s crucial for them to know who they’re hiring when they buy or sell a home. While writing a real estate bio for your website is crucial, you may transform that content into a video to increase engagement. You may use the above three reasons to decide if this type of video is ideal for your website. Consumers prefer them, Google prefers them, and people prefer them over text.

Renting a camera from your local camera shop is an option if you don’t have a camera with video recording capabilities. As long as your video is in focus, stable, and properly exposed, it will look great!

2. Tour Videos

There’s a huge demand for virtual tours of properties that teach a prospective purchaser about each space. You may make a video out of the listing photos or shoot video while you’re shooting. It’s crucial to have a video that takes viewers through each room. More than 90% of homebuyers conduct research on the web before they ever see a property in person. After you have had a professional photographer take real estate photos, create a slideshow video. You can publish slideshow videos on Facebook or Animoto, among other internet platforms. A listing photo tour video is engaging to viewers and quick to share. It draws attention, offers great ambiance, and makes visitors feel like they’re right there.

3. Walkthrough Videos

Open house videos that highlight the home’s features and those of the community, as well as shots of people experiencing the home for the first time, are popular. We can shoot aerial footage from drones to obtain interesting angles such as floor-level and bird’s eye perspectives. You can also utilize a video from an open house to create About Us/Agent Profiles later on. By shooting video at open houses, you can further advertise your listing online. This will not only help build your brand, but it will also help you establish yourself as an industry leader and industry expert in your community. You can show your face in the walkthrough video and discuss your listing. It is a great way to showcase your farm area, which will make you an industry thought leader and expert realtor in your community.

4. A day in the life videos

There are a lot of clients who don’t know what real estate agents do behind the scenes when showing and selling houses. A day in the life video is an effective way to build trust and brand recognition in your community. If you don’t want to put together a full day’s worth of video footage, use Facebook and Instagram stories. A day in the life video is a great way to show your community what you do. You will not only be able to see how you grow as a real estate agent and video marketer, but viewers will also enjoy learning more about your career. If you want to create a highlight reel of your day, you can do so using Facebook and Instagram stories.

5. Checklist Videos

Your expertise and guidance are critical for your clients as they don’t know the ins and outs of buying or selling a house. An inventory video is a nice way to describe the procedure and objectives. Videos are more consumable, engaging, and shareable than other forms of media. After leaving a listing appointment, you can send a home selling process guide to the homeowners to keep them at the forefront of your mind while providing valuable advice to those who need it. You can deliver how-to advice on staging, repairing credit scores, preparing to list, finding bargains, and preparing your home for seasonal changes (winters, springs, etc.).

6. Client Testimonials

Building your referral base is critical to developing your real estate business, whether you are a novice or an expert. Client testimonial videos are an effective way to draw customers, establish long-lasting relationships, and expand your client base. Ask a pleased customer to describe their experience with you from start to finish to establish credibility and draw new leads. Here are some sample questions:

  • What brought you to us?
  • What convinced you to do business with us?
  • Would you recommend our real estate services to your family and friends? Why?

7. Neighborhoods

People don’t just move into a house; they move into a neighborhood. Can you educate them about schools, shopping, religion, crime, traffic, and other local issues? By addressing questions like these in your community profile videos, you will be seen as a local expert.



To sum it up, whether you’re helping a small, middle-class family acquire a new dwelling or marketing mansions to the rich and famous, video is more valuable than text or pictures. From expert advice to indoor and outdoor property tours, you can establish yourself as the industry leader. If you haven’t already capitalized on the advantages of real estate videos, it’s time you did!

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