September 17, 2022 danielphamp

10 Instagram Growth Hacks for Real Estate Photographer

Instagram Growth Hacks for Real Estate Photographer

We put together some Instagram growth hacks for real estate photographers. Real estate photography is a competitive market with many players. With so much competition, photographers need to stand out and grow their audience to secure more clients in the future. With Instagram being one of the most popular photo-sharing apps, it’s no surprise that many real estate photographers are using it as a platform for sharing their work and growing their audience.

These hacks will help you leverage this app as a marketing tool and drive targeted traffic to your website: With over 700 million monthly active users, Instagram is the perfect app to reach a wide variety of people interested in real estate or the lifestyle it provides. The trick is getting your followers to see your photos and go somewhere from there. So let’s get started with these hacks…

TDLR: 10 Instagram Growth Hacks for Real Estate Photographer

  1. Planing
  2. Great Content
  3. Post Often
  4. Use Hashtags
  5. Steal Followers
  6. Better Call to Action
  7. Run contest
  8. Use Automation
  9. Boost post
  10. Pay Influencers

Plan Before You Post

Before you go crazy posting photos, photos, and more photos, you should sit and think about what you want to say with your feed. Instagram is a powerful platform but only if you utilize it correctly. If you are a real estate photographer, you’re likely posting images of houses for sale or existing properties. So, let’s think about what you want your audience to feel when they see your feed. – Do you want them to feel excited about the lifestyle the house provides? – Do you want them to feel a sense of admiration for the architecture? – Do you want them to feel a sense of sadness at the loss of the old house? These feelings can be achieved through the use of certain hashtags, the images you select, and the captions you write. Start off by jotting down a few feelings you’d like to elicit from your audience, and then work backward from there.


Create Great Content

Since everything begins with great content, it’s important to stand out from the crowd on Instagram. It has over 400 million users. Your account must be distinctive. Your content must be not only visually stunning but also perfectly suited to your audience. It is not possible to gain a large number of followers or engage them if you post beautiful images of things they don’t care about.

Post and Post Often

Use later app to help you pre-schedule your posts ahead of time., a social media analytics tool, studied more than 5,000 Instagram accounts in 2015. They discovered that the most popular profiles had tens of thousands of followers and posted twice or three times daily. The average Instagram user was also prolific in posting new pictures; the average profile posted a new photograph once a day.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get more eyes on your photos. Real estate photographers use a variety of hashtags to increase their reach and get more likes. – Investigate trending hashtags in your area of focus. – Use general hashtags but don’t over-use them. – Keep an eye on the related hashtags for your general group to see if they increase or decrease in popularity. – Don’t use too many hashtags on one photo. This will decrease the likelihood of your photo being seen.

Steal Followers

It’s critical to steal your rivals’ Instagram followers if you want to grow your small business’ Instagram quickly. Since they’re already following similar accounts, there’s no need to guess about their interest in your content; therefore, stealing their followers is a great strategy. You should use a strategy that combines likes, comments, and follows if you want to get the most out of your efforts. For example, instead of just following users or liking their posts, you can follow a user and like one of their pictures and comment on either the same or a different photo. Using this strategy, one entrepreneur achieved a 34 percent follow-back rate.

Utilize Call-to-action

Instagram is primarily a photo-sharing app. It was a bold move by Facebook to add a video feature. That being said, the video feature is not widely used by most people. So, if your photos are accompanied by a short caption and your hashtags, you’ll be fine. – If you want to take your engagement to the next level, try adding a caption with a call-to-action (CTA). – A CTA is a way to direct your followers to do something. – Add a CTA in your caption to direct your followers to your website. – If you want to really give your followers a reason to visit your page, you can add a poll or a question in your caption. – If you have a photo of a house for sale, ask your audience what they think about the property.

Run Contest

While contests can help you boost your Instagram engagement, well-executed contests can result in thousands of new followers with little effort on your part. There are many kinds of competitions you can run on Instagram. You may run any type of contest you wish, but you should charge an entry fee that requires any combination of liking a post, following you, tagging a friend, or doing some other activity that will raise your visibility and boost engagement.



Use Automation to save time on engagement

Cool trick we learn from Chris Do is that he use keyboard shortcuts for his popular answers in the comments section.
You can do the same when people comment on your posts and when you do comment outreach to your audience.
Just use the keyboard shortcut tool on your phone your laptop to program some simple shortcuts.

This will save you time and provide you more engagement on your social media accounts.

Boost Your Posts

This is only for those who have a decent following on Instagram. If you have a smaller following, you’re better off investing your time in growing your audience. Real estate photographers who have a decent following can use an app called Boost for Instagram to pay for a boost. Boost for Instagram is a service that allows you to pay for your post to show up at the top of a targeted group of people. Boosting your posts is a great way to get more eyes on your photos, but it’s not without its risks. Boost posts are displayed at the top of your target audience’s feed. If you don’t have high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience, you’re going to look silly. Boost posts are relatively cheap, but they can quickly add up and you’re going to be wasting money.

Among our tips this is perhaps the easiest Instagram Growth Hacks for Real Estate Photographer. It just cost some cash. Calculate your ROI and execute.

Get Influencers to Help You

If you have the budget, you can try to get influencers to help you. Influencers are people with a good following who are usually willing to promote your products in exchange for a payment. Niche-specific influencers are a great investment because they have a built-in audience that’s interested in the niche you’re trying to break into. Investing in niche-specific influencers allows you to not only promote your products but also build your brand reputation at the same time.

Which Instagram Growth Hacks for Real Estate Photographer would you try first?

The Instagram community is made up of people who are visual learners. The best way to get your message across is to post beautiful and engaging photos that tell a story and relate to your audience. Real estate photographers can use Instagram to grow their audience and gain more leads. By planning posts, using hashtags, utilizing rich content, boosting posts, and getting influencers to help you, you can reach more people and increase your real estate photography business. If you want to get the most out of Instagram for your real estate photography business, you have to put in the time and effort to post engaging content. If you follow these nine Instagram growth hacks for real estate photographers, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your followers and converting more leads from your Instagram feed.

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