September 14, 2022 danielphamp

How to Get Your First Client for Real Estate Photography

Or simply get more clients

How to Get Your First Client for Real Estate Photography

When beginning your own real estate photography business, you have various options. To get you started in the proper direction, all it takes is that very first customer and that very first job.

You probably searching for “How to Get Your First Client for Real Estate Photography” because you want to begin your entrepreneur journey.

There is no one method that is certain to gain you your first client; all that matters is that you land the job, photograph the property, and deliver the photographs (while also getting paid for them!). From that point on, you’ll be able to start gaining momentum and establishing a reputation for yourself and your new company.

It is highly improbable that you will go up against more than twenty other photographers in any particular market, given the nature of the business. If there is someone good at what they do, is quick, offers valuable quality, and is easy to work with, word will get around very quickly.

Do you want to make it in real estate photography? This article highlights critical tips to help you land your first client.

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How to Get Started in Real Estate Photography?

Before beginning a photo shoot for real estate, check to see that you have all of the necessary equipment. You do not require the very best that your money can purchase. You should begin by acquiring a high-quality DSLR camera, a solid tripod, and some fundamental knowledge of how light works.

Make sure that you have access to high-quality photo editing software for the post-production phase of the project or that you have an account with a photo editing service such as PhotoUp, which can take care of that obligation on your behalf.

Having the appropriate gear is essential for success in any endeavour. After that, it all boils down to mastering the time-honored arts of self-promotion and marketing.

So, how will you land your first client for real estate photography?

There is no way to know what will be successful for you in advance. If you give a few of these strategies a shot, you’ll probably find that one or two of them are the ones that produce results and put you on the correct track to a successful career as a real estate photographer.

Offer free photography to a few realtors

There is absolutely no shame in picking up some unpaid labor here and there to broaden your professional network and bolster your portfolio. You may start by contacting several real estate agents in your region, or even better if you have a relative or a friend who works in the real estate industry, you could begin with them.



If you are too hesitant to approach a realtor out of the blue, then request a friend or family member if you can snap some images of their house so that you may start using those photos for advertising material. If you cannot do this, you will not be able to use those photos. During the process, you will acquire a great deal of knowledge and begin to construct a varied portfolio of photographs for potential future clients.

Moreover, make sure your website is devoted to photography and features a wide range of photographs.

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client.
When a client visits the website of a real estate photographer’s website and discovers that the entire portfolio is comprised of photographs taken during a single shoot at a single property, there is nothing more likely to turn them off hiring that photographer.

Present at a neighborhood agency

This one requires a little bit of bravery on your part. However, there is nothing inappropriate about putting together a PowerPoint presentation, purchasing a box of doughnuts, and popping up to a brokerage to pitch your services and create some connections.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with doing any of these things. You should try to discover whether or not they hold regular meetings at which all agents are present. If they do, you should ask for a few minutes to identify yourself and demonstrate your work at the meeting.

If the worst-case scenario happens, you could walk away with a few new customers. The worst thing that might happen is spending some of your money on doughnuts. If you ask us, it was worth taking the chance.

Consider local realtors who operate on a whim.

Finding real estate agents who are getting by using their iPhones to take images of their properties might be an excellent approach to finding new clients who might be interested in working with you. Their contact information will be included on the listing, so all you have to do to let them know what they are lacking is give them a call or email.

Be cautious: you don’t want to offend them by commenting on the photographs they’ve already posted.

Spend time and cash on your webpage and SEO.

If you don’t want to engage in a viral campaign, the best thing to do is to ensure that you’re devoting a significant amount of time and effort toward developing a fantastic website. Although search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is too extensive to be covered in this article, a wealth of valuable knowledge is available online about SEO for photographers.

Furthermore, a wonderful method to get started is to ensure that you have a site that has been developed specifically for photographers and optimized for them. When real estate agents look for “real estate photography in [your region],” big search engines will begin to rank your website in the results because you have taken the time to develop it and use keywords specific to your niche.

Among our recommendations of “How to Get Your First Client for Real Estate Photography”, this is perhaps the most time consuming process and expensive. So tread lightly. For example, services like SEMrush offer a lot of help and resources for this.

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Post pictures online and consider the comments

Everyone can always improve their abilities. It is hazardous to believe that nothing is left to learn or improve.

Also, remain receptive to criticism and recommendations. You will be able to make the correct changes to improve your services.

Post examples of your work to your private and/or professional social media profiles.  This is one of the most effective strategies to get your work recognized. Social media platforms are an excellent strategy for promoting your work, initiating interactions, and even scheduling your first customer. You will be surprised how well connected the RE agents in your area.

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Make more engagements on social media

To really put your name out there, you should really try to engage with your network. When agents in your area are posting. Give them more props. Ask questions and share ideas when possible. Offer and ask for help on social media.

When making posts, we always try to create post with interesting topics. The post that get people thinking, give them some value for their business are most preferred. Therefore, check out what the people you want to be your ideal clients are posting. Continue to follow their work, engage, put your name out there. These are the people you can reach out to offer a free shoot. Share the results with your community and engage with more people.

Cold-calling and emailing prospectives in your area

Firstly, I completely understand that this may seem like a more aggressive direct sale approach. Being on the receiving end of things it is certainly not nice when you are wrongly targeted. The key here is correct prospecting. If you spend time on collecting a list of relevant clients you are more likely to succeed.

Secondly, make things as natural and personal as possible. You know when you see an outreach email or a call where the person has done the research correctly. It is always nice to be on that side.



I hope reading this helps you answer the question of How to Get Your First Client for Real Estate Photography?

When seeking your first client, remember you provide a valuable service. Be confident in your abilities, and maintain a positive attitude. Focus on establishing good relationship with busy agents that require your services. You can make their lives easier and more lucrative.

As your business getting rolling, consider scaling up the operation. Focus on doing the thing that only you can do to grow your business and delegate the more repetitive tasks. We offer a full suite of editing services for real estate photographers around the world. Check out our services.


Find out how you can incorporate Havah Edits in your production process.


We specialize in helping you create stunning real estate and architectural imagery. Our clients enjoy professionally edited packages with a short delivery time of 12 hours thanks to our time zone difference.


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