May 1, 2022 danielphamp

7 Ways to Improve Your Drone Photography Skills

Get better results and happier clients with these drone photography tips

7 Ways to Improve Your Drone Photography Skills

Drone photography has reached a new level of popularity in the past few years. The ease of getting aerial shots from the sky without the need for a pilot has made drones a must-have for videographers, landscape photographers, and naturalists alike. From architecture to nature, drones have captured stunning photos of almost every site imaginable. There are even competitions for drone photography, and the best ones can vie for a spot in the competition. You can participate in drone photography contests and win prizes. Here are 7 ways to improve your drone photography skills.

Get to know your drone

The first thing you’ll want to do is get to know your drone. Knowing the ins and outs of your drone can make all the difference in getting the shot you want.  – Which transmitter do you have? Some drones have one transmitter, others come with two. Make sure you know which one your transmitter is. – Do you have a DJI Go app? The DJI Go app is where you’ll be able to check the drone’s battery life and other information. If you aren’t using the app, you’re missing out on a lot of information. – What sort of flight settings do you have set? What’s your max altitude? What distance are you supposed to stay away from your subject? These are all things you need to know to get the shot you want.

Think Ahead and Decide What Shots You Need

When you are deciding what sort of shots you want to get, be sure to think ahead. What do you want your final product to look like? What sort of theme do you want to go with?  For example, if you are a landscape photographer and want to go with a summery vibe, you’ll want to think about shots you’ll want to get before your flight. Maybe you’ll want a shot of the sky above with the mountains in the distance. Or maybe you’ll want a shot of a city in the background.  These are things you can decide ahead of time so that when it’s time to get into the air, you’re not scrambling for an idea. You’ll have something to shoot for.

Photography Talk put together a great strategy guide for those who wants to plan their drone shoots better.

Be flexible with your planning, pay attention to forecast

You’ll want to be flexible with your planning, but also pay attention to the forecast. You want to be flexible with the flight plan because aside from safety issues, you’re not going to know what shot you’ll get. You might get a shot of the city in the distance and maybe a close up of a flower, or you might get a shot of the roof of your house.  Weather can also change mid-flight and cause your flight plan to change. If you have a shot you really want, but the weather conditions are not ideal, it’s best to change your flight plan.

Here’s a quick blog talking about weather conditions when flying a drone.

Use the Thirds Grid Overlay to Compose Your Shot

When it comes to composition, most people don’t think about the third grid. This third grid is what photographers use to compose their shot in the viewfinder.  For example, if you want to get a shot of the city in the distance, but it’s not the city you live in, you can use the third grid to move the city to the right to line up with what you want to get in the shot.  This is the same concept in photography – the rule of thirds is the idea of putting an object in the middle of a grid and then dividing the grid into thirds. You want to make sure your subject is in one of the intersections of the grid.

Shoot natural light

Shooting in natural light is one of the best things you can do for your drone photography skills. Natural light is the most flattering of all light sources – it makes everything look great and beautiful.  Shooting in natural light will not only make you look better in person, but it will also give you a better idea of what shots you’ll want to get. You can get a few different shots in natural light, or you can even use it as a way to help determine what shot you’ll want to get.

Don’t be afraid to change up your shot

One of the best things you can do for your drone photography skills is to change up your shot. Changing up your shot doesn’t mean you have to do something random and crazy, it just means you are trying something new and different.  Drone photography competitions reward creativity and uniqueness in your shot, so don’t be afraid to change up the shot you originally wanted. This can be as simple as changing the subject of your shot, or changing the way you are shooting your drone.

Pan with the Drone to Create High Megapixel Images

Another thing you can do to improve your drone photography skills is to pan with your drone.  Pans are one of the most common shot types in drone photography. They are when you fly your drone straight up, down, or straight out from your subject and you get a shot from above, below, or to the side of your subject.  If you’re just getting started with drone photography, you’ve probably noticed that most of the shots you’ve seen on Instagram and Facebook are panned shots. Pans are one of the easiest types of shots to get and they can look really good.


Having the right drone, knowing how to use it, and getting creative with your shots will help you take amazing photos. With practice and dedication, you’ll be able to take amazing photos in no time.  These tips will help you get started and be successful in your drone photography journey. Thanks for reading and good luck!

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